Team Building Program

If you believe, the importance of changing from “I” culture toward “We” culture, team building is the answer. The highly effective teams leverage the organizational strengths to offset the business challenges.

Three (3) basic questions you should answer about your team building. Why do you want to do this program? How to do it? And what type of team building are you looking for?

Start with understanding about types of team building programs.

Type 1 - Lead by Professional Team Building Trainer

In this program, your team shall learn based on modules designed by our professional team building trainers. They will lead or take charge your program from start to the end. They facilitate your team experiential learning through indoor and outdoor activities. At the end of each session, they will reflect your learning experience through debriefing or lecturer section (normally takes 15-30 minutes).

Our standard learning modules are designed based on 8 pillars. They are: –

We also customize the learning module based on client’s training needs. Just let us know if you have your own learning objective.

Type 2 - Retreat Team Building Program (Team Bonding)

No pen, paper and lecturer in this event. This is an outdoor activities based Team Building program. It is also known as Retreat Team Building or Team Bonding. In this program, your team shall experience and enjoy the outdoor activities. Among the popular team outdoors activities for corporations and government departments are: –

Your team members learn through the above activities that create team awareness, enhance team bonding thus improvise teamwork attitude.

The combinations of adventurous and fun activities are the key to achieve impactful team building objectives. As a result, improve company’s productivity and profitability.